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Can Anti-Depressants Affect Bedroom Behavior?
Author : Dr. P. Sándor Gardos - Subject : Sex
Q: I have been on Prozac for several months, and it has done wonders for my depression. However, I have suddenly found it very difficult to reach orgasm. Could Prozac be causing this, and if so, what can I do about it?
A: Prozac is one of a class .....more.....
Kill Stress -- Before It Kills You
Author : Kyle Roderick - Subject : Health
The personal and professional transitions of midlife often bring on mind/body stress that can negatively affect health in the short and long term.
by Kyle Roderick
"A certain amount of stress helps increase your motivation to do better on the.....more.....
Boomer Bikers: On the Road Again
Author : Robert Smith - Subject : Life
A 55-year-old general contractor from Camino (that means "road" in Spanish), California, Stoddard is a new member of a growing gang on the highways: the Boomer Bikers. With job security attained and kids out of the house, middle-aged American men -- .....more.....
All About Apples
Author : Staff Writer - Subject : Health
Lower blood cholesterol levels
Treat constipation and diarrhea
Help control diabetes
Strengthen immune system
May lower risk of heart disease
May help prevent cancer
We all know apples are supposed to be good for your health, .....more.....
Smart Heart Action Kit
Author : Dr. Timothy Johnson - Subject : Health
Could you use an additional 10 years? Reduce your risks of heart disease and stroke and you could add as much as a decade to your life, says the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
While you have little control over risks associ.....more.....
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